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The world scene at Rio+30

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The Market Analysis Institute designs discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle. Supported by research, analyzes of current trends and studies presented during Rio+20, the Institute projects an overview of the discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle in the next decade for the world. Let's imagine it wasn't just three months. But, sim, 10 […]

Government of São Paulo opens public call for floating photovoltaic plant at Billings

government of sao paulo photovoltaic plant

The Government of the State of São Paulo, through the Metropolitan Water and Energy Company (EMAE), opened a public call for the choice of companies interested in installing projects for the generation of photovoltaic energy floating in the Billings reservoir, in the capital of São Paulo. Participants must submit technical documents, financial and environmental provided for in the notice. Serão […]

Central Bank launches environmental sustainability agenda

central bank sustainability agenda

The Central Bank (BC) launched, In the beggining of september, a set of social and environmental responsibility actions. The sustainability dimension was included in the BC# institutional agenda and included internal environmental awareness campaigns, incorporation of climate risk scenarios into BC stress tests, until the adoption of more comprehensive measures, how the creation […]

no forest, the agro is nothing. Understand the importance of the colossal "Flying Rivers"

flying rivers

Imagine rivers even bigger than the Amazon River, with billions of tons of water, cutting through several Brazilian states and passing over our heads. Sim. "Flying Rivers" exist. The term describes a real phenomenon., whose impact is gigantic on our lives and determinant for the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity. They are made up of immense […]

ESG: the three magic words that are dominating the investment market


environmental criteria, social and governance or ESG– acronym in English that became internationally known – are increasingly being associated by investment managers and regulators with strong businesses., presenting less risk to the climate and sustainability of the planet, and so it has been gaining strength and attracting the market's attention. This increased interest […]

Day 3 of September, Biologist's day!

biologist day

The Biologist is among the most qualified professionals to protect the planet from threats caused by human actions, as well as to try to minimize the effects of climate change and seek solutions for a better world, in the present and in the future. Biologists help find answers to fundamental questions about life. Seu trabalho pavimenta o […]

Analysis: Germany launches post-COVID package and prioritizes low-carbon investments

germany prioritizes low carbon investment for post covid

As the world continues to deal with the Covid-19 crisis and its economic and social impacts, Germany has pointed the way for the recovery process to emphasize environmental and economic concerns. The country's stimulus package, from 130 billions of euros, not just for economic recovery, mas também abre caminho para uma economia futura mais […]

"Limits of Growth", from 1973. terribly current.

growth limits, 1973.

When released there is almost 50 years old, some economists considered the conclusions of The Limits to Growth (The Limits to Growth, in English) as “irresponsibly absurd”, while others criticized the validity of the model the authors had used to predict energy consumption., pollution and population growth. A revisit of the report shows that we face the same challenges today. […]

Professor of Economics defends basic sanitation as the "propelling spring" of the resumption

Basic sanitation is the driving force behind post-pandemic recovery

One day after IBGE announced that there is 18,4 millions of people without water and sewage in Brazil, the economist Monica de Bolle, pesquisadora-sênior do Peterson Institute for International Economics e professora da School for Advanced International Studies na Johns Hopkins University, defended in a meeting with CEOs of the largest companies in Brazil, what investments in infrastructure, em especial em saneamento […]

Cities must lead actions to adapt to climate change

cities adapting to climate change

In the cities, are the main causes of climate change, but also part of the solution to this problem.. Cities have the power to change the world, with its financial centers, of culture, trade and innovation. Nonetheless, 70% of cities are already suffering from the effects of climate change, o que pode as colocar em grave […]

ISCC discloses projects linked to the Sustainable Development Goals


The International Carbon and Sustainability Certification System (ISCC) is aware of your performance and disclosed, recently, actions and projects of the organization that help to comply with the SDGs, but also generate a positive influence for other sectors to adopt a similar posture.. In 2015, the United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS). They are […]

Green economy has the potential to generate millions of jobs in Latin America

green economy

The green economy has the potential to generate millions of jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean and reduce labor costs arising from modern environmental problems., like climate change, on the exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of ecosystems, the estimate is from the report of the International Labor Organization (ILO). O estudo “Perspectivas Sociais e de […]

To understand the Paris Agreement and carbon pricing

Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement, signed in December 2015, changed the discourse of the climate agenda, bringing the need to increase ambition in relation to emission reduction targets and a much greater participation of society, increasingly encompassing subnational governments (this is, including city and regional initiatives) and with […]

What is Natural Capital? Prioritizing it can benefit your business

capital natural

Any business depends on nature to succeed. It is the obvious case of industries and other segments that use natural resources as raw material, and not so obvious, as in the case of the third sector. The relationship is not always clear, apparently financial institutions and offices rely less on natural capital (means) but, even so, use paper […]

Évora will transform the city's leftover food into agricultural fertilizers


The municipality of Évora has put in place a new system for selective collection of organic waste for composting and subsequent use in agriculture. The collection was prepared to work daily, in collaboration with a range of major producers, like hospitals, some of the great restaurants, the university of Évora and school canteens. Os resíduos são […]

New guidelines give greater security to buyers of forest credits

redd+ forest credits

One of the Brazilian government's recent decisions was to offer more guarantees to companies that choose to neutralize emissions through the purchase of forest credits from private carbon conservation projects in the Amazon. Between measurements, in 28 November 2019 Decree No. 10.144, which instituted new guidelines for the Commission […]

Cities are growing horizontally. And why is this a problem?

cidades crescendo na horizontal e não na vertical. 3 cities growing horizontally, not vertically

Imagine Lagos, in Nigeria, a city of 22 millions of people. What was once a small coastal town, just a few decades ago it exploded into a scattered megacity that spans more than 1.170 square kilometers. The rapid growth has put the most pressure on municipal services: less than 10% of people live in houses […]

Natural and sustainable infrastructure can prevent disasters such as current floods

natural infrastructure - cities growing horizontally, not vertically

Natural infrastructure The floods in Belo Horizonte and other cities in Minas Gerais scared the entire population. Videos showing the force of the waters dragging cars and collapsing structures impressed the entire country. At the time this text is written, 57 deaths were recorded, 45 a thousand homeless people and 8 thousand, homeless. The rain stopped at the end of […]

Reconcile capitalism and ecology? Let's listen to Ignacy Sachs

ignacy sachs

Born in Warsaw in 1927, Ignacy Sachs grew up and studied economics in Brazil during World War II. He worked in the Polish diplomatic services in India in the late years. 50, before returning to Poland. He left this country in 1968 and entered the School of Advanced Studies in Paris (the current EHESS – […]

Cerrado loses a city in São Paulo every three months

cerrado loses an area equal to the city of são paulo every three months

After INPE (National Institute for Space Research) see an increase of almost 30% of deforestation in the Amazon in the last year and of 114% since the year of promulgation of the new Forest Code (2012), see an increase of almost 2018 and july of 2019 was from 648.400 […]

Forest inventory and youth training: legacy of the Rio Doce basin

Inventário e Formação de Jovens: Investing in a green and sustainable way with Bonds

The impact of the disaster in Mariana in November 2015 remains present in the lives of people directly or indirectly affected. 39 municipalities along the Rio Doce and its tributaries. But it's also true that another story begins to be built. A story that doesn't want to erase the past, but build a future […]

Brazilian discovers pesticide substitute in eucalyptus

pesticide produced from eucalyptus leaves

Eucalyptus citrus, lemon eucalyptus or sweet-smelling eucalyptus, these are some of the best known names for the species Corymbia citriodora. From it comes the essential oil capable of working as a natural "agrochemical", according to researcher Cátia Libarino, who is studying for a Masters in Forest Science at the State University of Southwest Bahia (Uesb). Seeking to find a natural substance to combat a […]

Nature installs 1.800 m² of solar panels at its headquarters


Natura announced the completion of the project it installed 1.800 m² of state-of-the-art solar energy panels in one of the company's headquarters buildings in Cajamar, Metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. Organic photovoltaic film technology (or OPV, acronym for Organic Photovoltaic), da empresa mineira Sunew, foi escolhida por […]

Bonsucro plans to update Production Standard

bonsucro update

last November, the Working Group responsible for revising the Bonsucro Production Standard met in London for two days to discuss and develop amendments to the standard. The Group is the main assembly of experts and stakeholder representatives responsible for conducting the standard review. It is composed of independent experts, […]

Bento Gonçalves will transform collected organic waste into energy

Brazil loses 3 bi for not recycling waste

Expected for the first half of this year, the transformation of organic waste into energy in Bento Gonçalves should take place at the beginning of 2020. The start of activities depends on the choice, by bidding, a company qualified for the service and a period for the construction of a waste treatment and disposal plant. […]

Multinationals plan to recycle 100% of your packages!

multinationals plan to recycle 100% of your packages

Um plano ambicioso A Nestlé anunciou um compromisso global ambicioso: become 100% of its packaging possible to be recyclable or reusable up to 2025 (see here). The intention is that no packaging is disposed of in landfills or ends up as waste in seas, oceans and rivers. The food giant follows other consumer multinationals. These […]

Why adopt Environmental Compliance in business?

compliance ambiental

The current corporate world no longer accepts production processes or conduct disconnected from legal requirements, morals and ethics incorporated by society. E, in this sense, environmental compliance becomes responsible for this connection and commitment. The term compliance originates from the English verb “to comply”, which means to act according to a rule, instruction or command. That is, […]