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Meet the new ones 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals must be implemented by all countries in the world during the next 15 years old, until 2030 More of 150 world leaders gathered at UN headquarters, in New York, to formally adopt a new sustainable development agenda. Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (or ODS), that […]

Sustainability in Business Strategy x Ecosystems

ecossistemas estratégia de negócios

This text presents a brief reflection on the correlation of articles: “Strategy & Society” (Porter; Kramer, 2006), “Shared Value” (Porter; Kramer, 2011), "Creating Sustainable Value" (Hart; Milstein, 2004), “The Path to Corporate Responsability” (Zadeck, 2014) e “How to Become a Sustainable Company” (Eccles; Perkins; Serafeim, 2012) e o conceito de ecossistemas “Strategy & Society” Qual […]

Activated charcoal from sugarcane bagasse, an option for reducing air pollutants

What is activated carbon? Activated carbon is known as a very effective adsorbent., its high porosity and, consequently, its high surface area, make its properties ideal for retaining atmospheric organic particles. Can be prepared from a numerous variety of raw materials.. Generally plentiful and cheap, with high […]

The European Union, the policy and standards

The European Union The European Union is a unique economic and political union, constituted by 28 European countries that, together, cover a large part of the European continent. The EU was created right after World War II. The initial intention was to encourage economic cooperation, assuming that if countries had […]

Biomes will be monitored from the committee


Bioma por definição Bioma é um conjunto de diferentes ecossistemas, that have a certain level of homogeneity. Are the biological communities, that is, populations of fauna and flora organisms interacting with each other and also interacting with the physical environment called biotope. Os biomas brasileiros O Brasil é formado por seis biomas de características […]

car in garage, take the bike and love the city

cycle tourism

And if the car were, unlike the bicycle, our weekend item. And if the bicycle were our main means of transport in everyday life? And if we stopped at a terminal, get on an integrated bus or subway and get to work in 30, 40 minutes? And with an observation, no transits! That […]

Brazilian cycle tourism moves towards growth

cycle tourism

In Europe, the cycle tourism moved 44 billions of euros and employed 524 a thousand people in two years. Cycle tourism routes have been gaining more and more space in the world. De acordo com relatório da Federação Europeia de Ciclismo, the segment moved 44 billions of euros on the continent in the year of 2012 e, in 2014, employed 524 […]

Brazilian seal indicates carbon and water footprint in the production chain

  It is a great satisfaction to report that a Brazilian product certified by the standard/seal will have more competitive advantages and less environmental impact.. This is the objective of the new national certification. Ele permitirá que as empresas brasileiras garantam aos consumidores que seus produtos são feitos dentro dos padrões da sustentabilidade. The certification system, operado pela Associação Brasileira de Normas […]

Rock in Rio receives sustainability certification

According to data from a project developed by the NGO Pew

far beyond music, rock in rio should also go down in history as the first festival to be certified with one of the most important sustainability seals in the world, o ISO:20121 Sustainability Management System. Events of different proportions impact the environment and the economy at various levels, including consumption […]

Environmental impacts

THE CYCLE OF DISASTERS CAUSED BY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The environmental impacts resulting from climate change bring, just as the planet's inevitable adaptation, disastrous consequences for human civilization. Of course with global warming, glaciers at the poles and tops of mountain ranges tend to melt resulting in reduced coastal areas, What […]