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Carbon credit, from its origin to its actuality.

The carbon credit is the currency used in the carbon market, working so that Emissions Trading helps in negotiations between countries that have exceeded their targets and countries that have not managed to reach them proposed in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. By indirectly helping to maintain the reduction project and […]

the binomial, forest and soil water maintenance

Forests and maintenance of water in the soil According to the Brazilian Constitution, in the article 20, item III, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil: Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, Forests and the maintenance of water in the soil, or extend to territory […]

Knowing more about Green Bonds

Investing in a green and sustainable way with Green Bonds If you are a regular reader of the BiO3 consultancy blog or are a person/company that is aware of the news both in the agro market and in investments in the financial market, you have already heard about the “Green Bounds”. Otherwise, get ready to become! In […]

Understanding forestry

Forestry, science that studies natural and artificial ways of exploiting forests Silviculture is the science that studies natural and artificial ways of restoring and improving forest stand, to meet market requirements. This study can be applied to maintenance, in the use and conscientious use of forests. We can divide-the […]

Circular Sampa: accelerating the transition to a circular economy in São Paulo

The circular economy seeks to break the link between economic activity of consumption and finite resources, eliminate the waste generated, in addition to being supported by a transition to renewable energy sources. is based on: eliminate waste and pollution from the beginning; keep products and materials in use; and regenerate natural systems. In this way, the change […]

The world scene at Rio+30

Posts Categorized

The Market Analysis Institute designs discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle. Supported by research, analyzes of current trends and studies presented during Rio+20, the Institute projects an overview of the discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle in the next decade for the world. Let's imagine it wasn't just three months. But, sim, 10 […]

Travel 2030: a look at the changes in mobility in post-COVID

visão 2030 Posts Categorized

The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented time in many ways. By disrupting urban systems so deeply, the virus puts before us the question of possible futures for cities in a way we cannot ignore. Cities will recover? how will they be? more inclusive? The dominance of the private car over […]

Companies defend approval of the sanitation regulatory framework

Posts Categorized

Greater participation of the private sector in water and sanitation services, as well as in the Hydrographic Basin Committees, is essential to unlock investments in new projects in the sector. These were the two main points highlighted by the experts participating in the first Webinar of the ReVisão debate series 2050, of the Brazilian Business Council for the […]

Cities are growing horizontally. And why is this a problem?

cidades crescendo na horizontal e não na vertical. 3 cities growing horizontally, not vertically

Imagine Lagos, in Nigeria, a city of 22 millions of people. What was once a small coastal town, just a few decades ago it exploded into a scattered megacity that spans more than 1.170 square kilometers. The rapid growth has put the most pressure on municipal services: less than 10% of people live in houses […]

Natural and sustainable infrastructure can prevent disasters such as current floods

natural infrastructure - cities growing horizontally, not vertically

Natural infrastructure The floods in Belo Horizonte and other cities in Minas Gerais scared the entire population. Videos showing the force of the waters dragging cars and collapsing structures impressed the entire country. At the time this text is written, 57 deaths were recorded, 45 a thousand homeless people and 8 thousand, homeless. The rain stopped at the end of […]

CNM provides guide for Integration of SDGs in Brazilian Municipalities

SDGs in the municipalities

CNM in partnership with UNDP provided a guide for integrating the SDGs in Brazilian municipalities O Brasil, along with others 192 United Nations member countries, was a signatory and committed to the implementation, until the year of 2030, of a new Sustainable Development Agenda with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (the so-called […]

Circular Economy Can Help Countries Combat Climate Change, say report

circular economy

A report from Circle Economy, group supported by the UN Environment, points out that just 9% of the global economy is circular, or that means that the planet reuses less than 10% the 92,8 billion tons of minerals, fossil fuels, metals and biomass used every year in production processes. Released in January at the World Economic Forum, in […]

in Piauí, report points out challenges for sustainable development

Identify, through a database and indicators, the main challenges of Piauí for the implementation of the Agenda 2030 this is what is proposed in the “Diagnosis of Piauí in the Light of Sustainable Development Goals (ODS)”, presented in Teresina last month. Result of the "ODS Piauí Project", parceria entre o governo do […]

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

Bento will be the first city in Brazil to transform organic waste into energy

A project that will make Bento Gonçalves a national reference in terms of environmental preservation and, break, will solve a problem that has been worsening in recent years. 30 years in every city in the world: the trash. The Solid Waste Plant will operate in the same location where the current transshipment is located, in the Pomarosa neighborhood, […]

In Paraiba, the sun that punishes the sertão is reality as a source of energy

The sun that punishes the sertão is a reality as a source of energy in Paraíba

If in a good part of the country solar energy is still a promise, representing less than 1% in the Brazilian energy matrix, in the extreme northwest of the state of Paraíba is already a reality and with the potential to grow a lot, as there are several projects that encompass actions in the public sector, private and civil society organizations. A […]

Brazil loses R$ 3 billions a year for not recycling waste

Brazil loses 3 bi for not recycling waste

The stagnation of public policies in the solid waste sector caused an increase in the amount of waste sent to inappropriate places in 2017. The return of dumps not only generates more impacts on the environment and on the health of the population, how does Brazil, by not increasing the recycling chain either, waste opportunities […]

Petrobras and UNDP sign an agreement to promote sustainable development in 110 counties

Petrobras and UNDP sign an agreement to promote sustainable development in 110 counties

Acting in the expansion of local capacities and stimulating sustainable territorial development in 110 municipalities where Petrobras is present are the objectives of the agreement signed between the company and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) municipalities where Petrobras is present are the objectives of the agreement signed between the company and the (25), in Brasilia (DF). Signed on the three-year anniversary of the approval of the Agenda 2030 e […]

Publication stimulates debate on resilient and sustainable urban spaces

cities growing horizontally, not vertically

To promote debate and understanding of specific topics on the Agenda 2030, the UN System Advisory Group in Brazil, in partnership with UN-HABITAT, released last tuesday (5), in Maceio (AL), the Glossary of the Sustainable Development Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities. The document presents terms and definitions that dialogue with the […]

Pernambuco creates commission to meet UN goals for sustainable development

cities growing horizontally, not vertically

No event, performed on days 5 e 6 of April, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Municipal Association of Pernambuco (AMUPE) and the state government signed a partnership to promote sustainable development in Pernambuco cities. With the theme “Sustainable Development Goals: Meta Global, Municipal Action", the 5th Pernambuco Congress […]

In two years the project recycled 260 tons of organic waste

cities growing horizontally, not vertically

One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns – the goal 12 One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure sustainable patterns of production and consumption – the 17 that will need to be fulfilled within the maximum period of 2030 for all 193 UN countries. To achieve this goal, one path to be followed is the decrease in the generation of […]

Five solutions to the problem of garbage in cities

problema do lixo

After the start of the industrial revolution, humanity began a process of valuing non-durable consumer goods, what made people generate more and more daily waste. In recent decades, the amount of accumulated garbage has tripled, with tons of disposal scattered in dumps and without receiving proper treatment. Só há […]

Urban mobility: Municipalities will even have 2019 to make plans

urban mobility

Brazilian municipalities that do not yet have urban mobility plans will have until April 2019 to elaborate. The new deadline stipulated for the preparation of municipal plans is provided for in the Provisional Measure 818/2018. If municipalities do not comply with such legal obligation, will be prevented from contracting federal resources. O objetivo da medida é oferecer prazo […]

Article: The path to intelligent human mobility

urban mobility

The infrastructure of metropolises directly impacts the lives of their citizens, which leads us to consider human mobility as an essential issue for the promotion of the quality of life of each person.. Reversing a car dependency scenario is a cultural issue. And from the advances brought by technology, changes came […]

Meet the new ones 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals must be implemented by all countries in the world during the next 15 years old, until 2030 More of 150 world leaders gathered at UN headquarters, in New York, to formally adopt a new sustainable development agenda. Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (or ODS), that […]

NBR ISO 37120: The first technical standard for sustainable cities

NBR ISO 37120 Sustainable Cities

A NBR ISO 37120:2017, is the first Brazilian technical standard regarding sustainability in urban communities. It defines and establishes methodologies for a set of indicators related to sustainable development, in order to guide and measure the performance of urban services and quality of life. The standard was born from an academic need, uma ferramenta […]

Sustainable Cities: Meet Évora and its pact to reduce in 20% its emissions up to 2020

sustainable cities

Cidades Sustentáveis A história de Évora Évora é uma cidade portuguesa localizada na região do Alentejo, seat of the fifth largest municipality in Portugal, with 1 307,08 where sorting takes place and composting treatment begins 56 596 where sorting takes place and composting treatment begins. Its well-preserved historic center is one of the richest monuments in Portugal., o que lhe rendeu o título de Cidade-Museu. In 1986, o centro […]

Zero carbon in 2045: how Sweden and Finland plan to achieve this ambitious goal?

A meta mundial parece convergir para o carbono zero. We last 18 months, the global divestment of fossil fuels has doubled with the commitment made by institutions and individuals that control almost US$ 6 trillions in assets. A partir da análise feita pela agência Arabella Advisors, 688 institutions and 58.399 people in 76 países já se comprometeram […]

Tokyo houses urban farm building amid offices

tóquio fazenda urbana

Despite all the technological development, Japan has to face some natural problems. The lack of space to grow food is one such example. To get around this snag, in tokyo, architect Yoshimi Kono designed an office building that also doubles as an urban farm. Urban vertical farm prototypes have been developed and, […]