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Waste Management Consulting Services

by definition, Waste is everything that is not used in human activities, from industries, businesses and residences. solid waste, as the name says, are unused materials that are in the solid state. “Current leaders have a critical role in waste management, due to the direct and indirect impacts that they can cause […]

Sustainability and Advancement in Sustainable Business

Broadly speaking, sustainability is the ability to create means to meet the basic needs of the present without affecting future generations, having goals on a global scale, as the call to action to end poverty, protect the environment and climate and ensure peace and prosperity for people in […]

ELO program, Bonsucro and comparison between sustainable production standards

Recently the SAI platform (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform) officially recognized the ELO Program, one of the current standards of sustainable production, from Raízen, integrated energy company, internationally validating the company's commitment to a socially fair and environmentally correct production model. created in 2014, the ELO Program is an unprecedented voluntary initiative in the chain […]

Bonsucro Production Standard updates

Starting with the introduction Recently, in the month of March 2022, the Bonsucro certification system provided training on the technical parameters of the Bonsucro Production standard version 5.1 of your publication. Bonsucro understands that learning and development are fundamental to a learning organization. That way, Bonsucro encourages its members, […]

Circular Economy in Agriculture

Circular economy in agriculture According to French scientist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) circular economy in agriculture: “circular economy in agriculture, circular economy in agriculture, circular economy in agriculture”, circular economy in agriculture. A more sustainable production system that minimizes environmental impacts is the system […]

Carbon credit, from its origin to its actuality.

The carbon credit is the currency used in the carbon market, working so that Emissions Trading helps in negotiations between countries that have exceeded their targets and countries that have not managed to reach them proposed in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. By indirectly helping to maintain the reduction project and […]

Knowing more about Green Bonds

Investing in a green and sustainable way with Green Bonds If you are a regular reader of the BiO3 consultancy blog or are a person/company that is aware of the news both in the agro market and in investments in the financial market, you have already heard about the “Green Bounds”. Otherwise, get ready to become! In […]

Understanding forestry

Forestry, science that studies natural and artificial ways of exploiting forests Silviculture is the science that studies natural and artificial ways of restoring and improving forest stand, to meet market requirements. This study can be applied to maintenance, in the use and conscientious use of forests. We can divide-the […]


The UN-REDD Program is the United Nations Collaborative Program for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +) in developing countries. Launched in 2008, the program is based on the convening and technical expertise of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with the United Nations Program […]

Carbon credits: the marketing of greenhouse gas reduction

It is known that with the increase of industries and modernization, greenhouse gas emissions (GEES) are getting bigger. These gases are known to be responsible for the increase in global warming and, thereby, aiming for sustainable development, in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol gave rise to the so-called "Carbon Credits". in the end […]

Circular Sampa: accelerating the transition to a circular economy in São Paulo

The circular economy seeks to break the link between economic activity of consumption and finite resources, eliminate the waste generated, in addition to being supported by a transition to renewable energy sources. is based on: eliminate waste and pollution from the beginning; keep products and materials in use; and regenerate natural systems. In this way, the change […]

Two Plastics Pact: a circular economy for plastic

According to data from a project developed by the NGO Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ, Ltd., until 2040 the oceans will have triple the amount of plastic waste compared to today. Or value equals 600 million metric tons. It is noteworthy that 80% of the garbage found in the sea part of the continent and […]

Circular Fashion: The Creative Process Revolution

circular fashion the revolution of the production process

The Center for Studies in Circular Economy (NEEC Lorena) is an organization for studies and elaboration of solutions for the various productive sectors based on the principles of the circular economy. One of the pillars of the organization is the awareness and expansion of the dissemination of the theme as a form of engagement at scale. For that, a organização lançou o […]

The world scene at Rio+30

Posts Categorized

The Market Analysis Institute designs discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle. Supported by research, analyzes of current trends and studies presented during Rio+20, the Institute projects an overview of the discussions on production, consumption and lifestyle in the next decade for the world. Let's imagine it wasn't just three months. But, sim, 10 […]

Public consultation for the Bonsucro Production Standard is open

amyris receives bonsucro certification

Bonsucro is a worldwide non-profit organization, formed by a team of multi-stakeholders and aims to reduce the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane production, also taking into account the need for economic viability. For a product or process to be linked to Bonsucro, it must be certified by an organization […]

Salvador Bahia Airport is the first airport in Brazil to reuse 100% of your waste

Salvador Bahia Airport

The pioneer in sustainability of the airport in the city of Salvador, BA, earned the location the first Zero Aterro Airport in Brazil. This means that 100% of the waste generated at that airport is reused as raw material in production processes, according to the concept of the circular economy. A marca de Zero Aterro foi conquistada dois […]

What is Natural Capital? Prioritizing it can benefit your business

capital natural

Any business depends on nature to succeed. It is the obvious case of industries and other segments that use natural resources as raw material, and not so obvious, as in the case of the third sector. The relationship is not always clear, apparently financial institutions and offices rely less on natural capital (means) but, even so, use paper […]

Reconcile capitalism and ecology? Let's listen to Ignacy Sachs

ignacy sachs

Born in Warsaw in 1927, Ignacy Sachs grew up and studied economics in Brazil during World War II. He worked in the Polish diplomatic services in India in the late years. 50, before returning to Poland. He left this country in 1968 and entered the School of Advanced Studies in Paris (the current EHESS – […]

Bonsucro plans to update Production Standard

bonsucro update

last November, the Working Group responsible for revising the Bonsucro Production Standard met in London for two days to discuss and develop amendments to the standard. The Group is the main assembly of experts and stakeholder representatives responsible for conducting the standard review. It is composed of independent experts, […]

Bento Gonçalves will transform collected organic waste into energy

Brazil loses 3 bi for not recycling waste

Expected for the first half of this year, the transformation of organic waste into energy in Bento Gonçalves should take place at the beginning of 2020. The start of activities depends on the choice, by bidding, a company qualified for the service and a period for the construction of a waste treatment and disposal plant. […]

How conscious consumption increased the demand for certified products

conscious consumption

When it comes to the topic of conscious consumer relations, there is growing concern about the path taken by the product to the final consumer, the sources of raw material used, the forms of work used, among other concerns. The consumer has acquired the new role of questioning and investigating producers and companies. Estes, in turn, buscam formas […]

Circular Economy Can Help Countries Combat Climate Change, say report

circular economy

A report from Circle Economy, group supported by the UN Environment, points out that just 9% of the global economy is circular, or that means that the planet reuses less than 10% the 92,8 billion tons of minerals, fossil fuels, metals and biomass used every year in production processes. Released in January at the World Economic Forum, in […]

Documentary "Amanhã Arrived" discusses consumption and sustainability in Brazil

Initiatives like Thiago Azambuja from Casa do Rio, in Careiro Castanho-AM, and the activism of Benedito Clemente, Jurucuá community leader in the Médio Purus Extractive Reserve, are examples treated in Renata Simões' documentary “Amanhã Arrived” that prove that it is possible to combine economic growth with sustainability. Remembering important historical facts in the sustainable context […]

Brazil loses R$ 3 billions a year for not recycling waste

Brazil loses 3 bi for not recycling waste

The stagnation of public policies in the solid waste sector caused an increase in the amount of waste sent to inappropriate places in 2017. The return of dumps not only generates more impacts on the environment and on the health of the population, how does Brazil, by not increasing the recycling chain either, waste opportunities […]

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

World's Largest Rooftop Farm Produces 10 me from organics per year

Created by Gotham Greens in 2015, the largest one-building rooftop farm in the world, is situated on top of a sustainable cosmetics factory, in the Pullman neighborhood, in Chicago. occupying a space of 7 thousand square meters, your annual harvest is almost 10 millions of all-organic vegetables and herbs, […]

Thank you is the first coconut company in the world to become B Corp

Brasileira Obrigado é a primeira empresa de coco do mundo a se tornar B Corp

Thanks, Bahian brand of water and coconut-based products, has just received the B Corp certification and becomes part of the global network of companies and organizations that combine economic growth with the promotion of social and environmental well-being. Entre os principais fatores que levaram a companhia a obter este reconhecimento é […]

Ministry of Industry officially joins the Brazil Network of the Global Compact

Ministry of Industry

The Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (Doctor) is the first Brazilian federal agency to commit to the Global Compact to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) United Nations. At an event on Wednesday (20) Minister Marcos Jorge de Lima made official the portfolio's adhesion to the Rede Brasil do Pacto […]

Greatest difficulty for recycling in Brazil is misinformation, reveal research

According to a study by IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) released last year, only 13% of all urban solid waste in Brazil is correctly disposed of for recycling.

According to a study by IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) released last year, only 13% of all urban solid waste in Brazil is correctly disposed of for recycling. Among the reasons that make it difficult to reverse this scenario, draws attention that one of the main obstacles is the lack of information from the […]