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In two years the project recycled 260 tons of organic waste

cities growing horizontally, not vertically

One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns – the goal 12 One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure sustainable patterns of production and consumption – the 17 that will need to be fulfilled within the maximum period of 2030 for all 193 UN countries. To achieve this goal, one path to be followed is the decrease in the generation of […]

Five solutions to the problem of garbage in cities

problema do lixo

After the start of the industrial revolution, humanity began a process of valuing non-durable consumer goods, what made people generate more and more daily waste. In recent decades, the amount of accumulated garbage has tripled, with tons of disposal scattered in dumps and without receiving proper treatment. Só há […]

environmental certification: why suit and what are its benefits

Social criteria are fundamental components in certifications of 14001

Why adapt to environmental standards? Organizations of all types are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating correct environmental performance, controlling the impact of your activities, products or services in the environment, taking into account policies and objectives defined by environmental certification bodies. This behavior is inserted in the context of […]

Metareciclagem: what is it and what is its relationship with e-waste


The concern with the sustainability of the planet is increasingly present; with her, it encourages the creation of ways to preserve natural resources and reuse materials, like recycling. Dentro deste universo de soluções podemos citar também a metareciclagem como uma das mais efetivas e que vem garantindo transformações que vão muito […]

Life Cycle Analysis: effective environmental management tool

análise do ciclo de vida

Product Life Cycle Analysis translates into voluntary acceptance, by the manufacturers, responsibility for the environmental impact of these materials throughout their life cycle, from conception to final destination. What is Life Cycle Analysis? Product Life Cycle Analysis (ACV) […]

Meet the new ones 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals must be implemented by all countries in the world during the next 15 years old, until 2030 More of 150 world leaders gathered at UN headquarters, in New York, to formally adopt a new sustainable development agenda. Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (or ODS), that […]

Selective Collection and Reverse Logistics

coleta seletiva

Much is said about selective collection and reverse logistics programs. But what is the importance of adopting these tools for society and the environment? This is what we will discuss in the next topics below., Sure, in a nutshell. And the first question that remains is: why separate our garbage? (se é que o lixo […]

the National Solid Waste Policy, concepts and assignments

National Solid Waste Policy

Knowing the National Solid Waste Policy is to understand the concerns of current managers regarding the problems of waste generation, that never had attention before. For centuries society consumes resources, and this gets worse in the period after the industrial revolution. Although, the concern with the generation of waste emerged recently, pois vem se […]

Environmental Liabilities and Social and Environmental Responsibility

There are several reasons that encourage a company to adopt integrated management methods. From an internal point of view: reduce costs, the continuous quality, the positive product and company image or the need for innovation. From the external point of view: the stakeholders as a whole, market, Providers, consumers or legislators. Thus, […]

Integrated Solid Waste Management

integrated solid waste management

The integrated management of solid waste must aim to reduce its impacts as much as possible.. The three axes of Integrated Solid Waste Management Identify and classify the waste generated, according to current standards and legislation, through mapping at each stage of the production process. Condition, store and transport waste, according to […]

Let's take chemicals seriously, our lives depend on it

In an article published in the Swiss press, the director of the UN Environment Law Division, Elizabeth Mrema, warns of inadequate management of chemicals, including substances present in e-waste. Until 13 millions of people die each year from pollution and environmental degradation, including about 190 thousand […]

The European Union, the policy and standards

The European Union The European Union is a unique economic and political union, constituted by 28 European countries that, together, cover a large part of the European continent. The EU was created right after World War II. The initial intention was to encourage economic cooperation, assuming that if countries had […]

ISO 14001: What are the updates to the standard?

At ISO 14001 is a standard that defines the requirements to implement an environmental management system, helping companies to achieve long-term success by managing their environmental aspects and impacts and creating alternatives to contribute to sustainable development.. Key objectives of an ISO environmental management system 14001:15 Definir uma estrutura para […]

ISO 9001: what changes in the version 2015?

At ISO 9001 is a standard that defines the requirements to implement a quality management system helping companies to increase their effectiveness to achieve the intended results and focuses on customer satisfaction. Key objectives for the new version of the standard – ISO 9001:2015 Provide stable core requirements for the next […]

Brazilian seal indicates carbon and water footprint in the production chain

  It is a great satisfaction to report that a Brazilian product certified by the standard/seal will have more competitive advantages and less environmental impact.. This is the objective of the new national certification. Ele permitirá que as empresas brasileiras garantam aos consumidores que seus produtos são feitos dentro dos padrões da sustentabilidade. The certification system, operado pela Associação Brasileira de Normas […]

A plastic bottle and its odyssey

Once upon a time a bottle… A plastic bottle is the solution for using many products, despite being a product 100% recyclable and low production cost, Improper manufacturing and disposal makes PET bottles a huge danger to the environment and human health.. An […]

Rock in Rio receives sustainability certification

According to data from a project developed by the NGO Pew

far beyond music, rock in rio should also go down in history as the first festival to be certified with one of the most important sustainability seals in the world, o ISO:20121 Sustainability Management System. Events of different proportions impact the environment and the economy at various levels, including consumption […]